Product Short Description: AMRUTH AMC consists of plant growth-promoting microorganisms for Nitrogen Fixation, Phosphate Solubilization, Potash and Zinc Mobilization.
Benefits Amruth AMC provides all the nutrients required for Arecanut palms in balanced proportion. Amruth AMC reduces the splitting and dropping of nuts, increases yield and imparts tolerance against disease. Amruth AMC improves soil microbial activity, and water holding capacity and decreases the hardness of soil.
Method Of Application: Soil treatment:- Mix 5 liters of AMRUTH AMC for 1 acre through drip/venture with repeated application twice a year.
Mix 5 liters of AMRUTH AMC with 300-400 kg of AMRUTH GOLD / FYM and apply 2-3 kg/plant.
Mix 5 liters of AMRUTH AFC in 200 liters of Jeevamrutha and leave up to four days, with regular stirring then apply 500 ml prepared consortia to each plant.
Benefits: Amruth AMC provides all the nutrients required for Arecanut palms in balanced proportion.
Amruth AMC reduces the splitting and dropping of nuts, increases yield and imparts tolerance against disease.
Amruth AMC improves soil microbial activity, and water holding capacity and decreases the hardness of soil.
Due to all the above-mentioned beneficial factors the crop yield will increase by 10-20%.