Product Short Description: APMC consists of plant growth-promoting microorganisms for Nitrogen Fixation, Phosphate Solubilization, Potash, and Zinc Mobilization. Benefits APMC enhances plant enzyme production and increases photosynthesis. APMC provides major nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium which increase Potato tuber size.
Method Of Application:
Seed treatment:- Mix 50-100 ml of APMC in 1 liter of water and treat the potato tubers for up to 20 minutes.
Soil treatment:- Apply 5 liters of APMC for 1 acre through drip/venture with repeated application twice in a year.
Mix 5 liters of APMC in 300-400 kg of AMRUTH GOLD / FYM, and apply one day before sowing.
Benefits: APMC enhances plant enzyme production and increases photosynthesis.
APMC provides major nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium which increase Potato tuber size.
Due to all the above-mentioned beneficial factors, the crop yield will increase by 10-20%.